So you’ve come home from a busy work day, you’re craving a warm cup of tea and some chilled out music to help you relax and unwind, without relaxing you too much that you completely fall asleep. This is where HAYDEN, has you covered. Featuring Sydney based vocalist GRAACE, “NUMB” is a captivating arrangement of velvety…

Majid Jordan, Concert Review

Sometimes, it’s worth braving the cold weather to be part of something special, in the moment and that was the case for Majid Jordan The dynamic duo of Majid Jordan kick off “The Space Between European World Tour in Manchester and it was personally a night I’ll never forget. On Monday night, Majid Jordan kick started their leg…

Why Nao, will forever be queen.

Why Nao, will forever be queen Well here we are again, folks – the start of a new year. The time when we’re usually bursting with nostalgia, motivation and promises to not repeat the mistakes of the past. I know I’ve learned a lot in the last 12 months (especially my bad habits, which I’ve…

World Mental Health Day

There is no doubt that the 20s are the most confusing, strange, and loneliest times But can also be a lot of fun. I accomplished a lot, no doubt. I wish I wasn’t so hard on myself growing up and was more accepting of who I was. As I get older and wiser, and more…

Unplug to Recharge – Where you been?

Hello, all Your friendly neighbourhood Mez in the mix here to drop a bit of wisdom on ya. It’s easy to fall into the trap of overdoing it and if you are an ambitious achiever like me, you often find yourself taking on or doing way too much for you body to keep up with.No…

Championing Majid Jordan’s Music! Its Majid Jordan Season

Championing Majid Jordan’s Music! Its Majid Jordan Season If you’re really into electro alternative R&B and you already like music from artists such as NAO, Sza and Sampha then you’ll be obsessed with Majid Jordan, like I am right now. I have an unhealthy obsession with the guys of Majid Jordan.I was first introduced to…

Motivational Monday: Power of Thoughts

I’ve had so many questions in the last couple of weeks and since joining church. Specifically this week. Its as if God spoke directly through to the pastor to give out this message to me, and it touched me so much that I thought to write about it, so that I don’t forget the message…

9 Things I Could Only Learn By Getting My Heart Broken

Hey Guys I’m not a relationship guru a therapist or any trained relationship consultant by any means so I can only speak from experience and hope that you can relate. Despite that fact that sometimes I don’t take my own advice, (well just shoot me then, I’m human duh!) I’ve been known to give some…